Safety and Health Policy
We value human life above all else, and protecting the safety, health and security of our employees and those who work on our behalf is a core value for Mondi. We believe that one injury is one too many.
We are striving to be a business without fatalities and life-altering injuries or occupational diseases. We apply a systematic approach in focusing on our top fatal and life-altering risks in all our operations, and strive to engineer these risks out and implement robust controls.
We aim to have no incidents that harm people or put our neighbours or operations at risk. We can achieve a 24-hour safety mindset through strong accountable leadership and a culture that creates a work environment where employees and contractors work safely with a focus on identifying hazards, implement appropriate risk controls, and measure the effectiveness of such controls regularly.
We comply with applicable laws and are guided by internationally recognised principles. Through effective safety management, we work to ensure that all our operations have fundamentally safe, well-designed plant, equipment and infrastructure.
We take responsibility for the development and implementation of local safety and health management systems, and to meet our objectives we will:
- Observe all relevant local, national and regional laws and regulations;
- Act in accordance with internationally declared human rights and standards, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the International Bill of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;
- Set non-negotiable performance requirements for material risk, validate training and competencies, and ensure that processes are effectively implemented by adopting standards and performance requirements designed to drive safe behaviours and outcomes;
- Identify hazards and assess the risks associated with our operations, and implement and maintain the sustainable development of operational controls to mitigate effectively the impact of such risks;
- Ensure the propagation of safe behaviours through the continuous development of our operational leaders and employees and by carrying out the necessary personal development and awareness programmes to reduce unsafe behaviours in our operations;
- Expect our managers to provide effective leadership by ensuring that all managers, employees and contractors are aware of these commitments and are educated, trained and motivated to observe their specific responsibilities as a condition of their employment or contract, and by continuously promoting an interdependent safety culture where everybody looks after their own safety as well as that of others;
- Take into account notifications and suggestions of our employees, employee representatives and all our stakeholders in the decisions we make in order to ensure the continuous improvement of our occupational health and safety practices, and thus make their participation a constant part of our culture;
- Prepare for emergencies by openly communicating our safety, security and health risks and concerns in order to ensure emergency preparedness and respect the community’s right to know.