Human Resources Policy
We, as part of the Mondi Group, which has investments in 30 countries and employs more than 22,000 people, we believe that our most important asset is our employees.
As a passionate, entrepreneurial, initiative taking, respectful and supportive company, our core principle is to live our values of honesty, transparency and inclusiveness in every aspect of our lives.
Based on these values:
- We create employee awareness of occupational health and safety and environmental issues.
- We create a management approach that is based on respect for people and is free from discrimination, and we apply ethical values.
- We establish systems to ensure effective communication, and demonstrate a transparent and open management approach to employees.
- We do not allow the employment of child and young workers, discrimination or forced labor.
- Our employees are treated without any discrimination; we uphold their right to participate in trade union activities of their own choosing.
- We attach importance to the professional and personal development of our employees, and create an environment in which they can develop their careers.
- We aim to create a sustainable organizational structure with effective talent management and career succession plans.
- We strive to satisfy our demand for skilled employees primarily from within our own ranks.
- We provide our employees with appropriate systems and environments that will encourage continuous improvement with a sense of responsibility.
- We encourage entrepreneurship and taking initiative through employee recognition and reward systems.
- We monitor and appreciate the way in which our employees’ dynamism and high performance is reflected in business results.
- Employee motivation is important to us, and we take actions that will ensure its sustainability.
We commit to managing our policy in an integrated manner with the other management systems we implement.